Victor & Corinne
(紹介文 by Hide&Peko)
皆さんあまり思い浮かばないでしょうが、実はカナダはサルサが非常に盛んです。ニューヨークなどが近いこともあり、コンペティションの面でも非常に高い成績を収めています。 そんなカナダで長年第一線として活躍してきているのがこのVictor & Corinne。現カナダチャンピオンです。 彼らの最大の魅力は、サルサ、バチャータ、ズーク、ハッスル、社交ダンスなどといった様々なダンスをどれも高いレベルで踊りこなすテクニックです。サルサ、バチャータは常に世界トップ5入りし、ハッスルは2年連続で世界チャンピオンを獲得しています。 それぞれのダンスひとつひとつに真摯に取り組み、かなりの勉強家。あらゆるダンススタイルをミックスした独創的な振付も魅力です。
Corinneはモントリオールでも大人気の衣装を作成しています。彼女自身の衣装もいつも本当に独創的で魅力的なものばかり。今回のコングレスで着る衣装も楽しみです。 アジア初進出ですが、非常に素晴らしいダンサーですので、是非お楽しみに!!
Corinne Tardieu & Victor Alexis (CANADA)
As current Canadian professional Salsa, Bachata and Hustle champions, Corinne and Victor are a staple in the Montreal Latin dance community. This powerhouse couple first came together as amateurs back in 2002 but quickly moved up to the professional level in 2003. At their apex, in 2006, they won the first place at the Montreal Extreme Salsa Competition.
Afterwards, they both decided to take different roads and develop their own professional career in the Latin dance world. A decade after their initial partnership, their mutual passion and dedication to dance have brought them together once again, this time with much more experience and expertise under their belts. These dancers have one goal in mind: to represent Montreal worldwide.
Corinne and Victor are constantly striving to improve their skills by training and competing both nationally and internationally. They always return from their experiences inspired eager to share their passion with their students and teams.
Professional Accomplishments
World Salsa Summit (2018)
1st Place Hustle,2nd Place Bachata Classic,3rd Place Salsa Heat,Top 5 Salsa On2
Choreographer TV show (2017)
Les Dieux de la Danse (radio-canada)
Canada Salsa Congress (2017)
1st Place Salsa,1st Place Bachata,1st Place Hustle
International Hustle and Salsa Congress (2017)
1st Place Bachata Open,3rd Place Salsa Open,1st Place Hustle (Victor)
World Salsa Summit (2017)
4th Place Bachata Classic,5th Place Salsa On2,3rd Place Allure Ladies Team (Corinne)