東京都渋谷区渋谷3-21-3 渋谷ストリーム ホール
○東急 東横線・田園都市線 →[16b]口直結
○東京メトロ 銀座線・半蔵門線・副都心線 →[16b]口直結
○JR 山手線 →東口より地下道に降りて[16b]口直結
○京王 井の頭線 →JR側に渡り、東口より地下道に降りて[16b]口直結
○JR 埼京線・湘南新宿ライン →新南口改札 徒歩2分(道路に出て左折、道なり)
Shibuya Stream Hall, 3-21-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Shibuya Stream 4F: Hall Entrance
(* Please go up from the escalator next to the 2nd floor Starbucks coffee shop)
Directly connected to Shibuya Station [16b]
○ Tokyu Toyoko Line / Denentoshi Line → [16b] direct connection
○ Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, Hanzomon Line, Fukutoshin Line → [16b] direct connection
○ JR Yamanote Line → Go down the underpass from the east exit [16b] direct connection
○ Keio Inokashira Line → Cross the JR side, get off the underpass from the east exit, and connect directly to the [16b] exit.
○ JR Saikyo Line / Shonan Shinjuku Line → New South Exit ticket gate 2 minutes on foot (turn left on the road, follow the road)